Monday, October 19, 2009

October 5, 2009

How's it every body? things are going great over here in the African Jungle. Thankfully we have a satellite to watch conference. It's broadcast live so we miss the last session but don't worry I saw Mom. I made sure everyone else knew it. Whenever I pointed her out everyone says in unison,"Oh earls gettin trunky" for a second I get trunky but then I snap out of it. Everything is going great. Last Saturday we went to a funeral. Oh man that was really interesting. It is so different from your usual funeral. There was never any silence. Not for the whole 3 hours we were there. Even between speakers there are people singing. How it works is if some one knows a song they just start singing then everyone else joins in. So it starts to turn in to a competition. Walking around, between every speaker. Whenever someone gets a chance they start singing. It was really weird. I enjoyed it though. we were the only white people so we were treated like kings. It was nice. Taking to the front of the food lines and everything. They spoke in sotho so I couldn't understand anything they said. And there was even a pastor who preached a little.

It is starting to get really hot. Lately it's been raining and it has been nice. But when the sun is out, in 5 minutes your sweating. The mango's are almost ready. In some of the villages the only trees around are mango trees, just hundreds of them that are natural. Ill get a picture one of these days. But anyway I love you all. Thanks for your prayers. and everything else.

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