Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hey Mom,

How are you? I'm fine as usual. First thing, Emailing is one of the highlights of my week so will you remind everyone to email me (only if they want to I guess) I love you and Dads emails but it would be nice to hear from Mike Pattie and Hannah.
There are some pretty cool things here I can buy. For example I bought a scripture case with zebra and crocodile skin on it. There is also elephant, impala, rhino and pretty much anything else. They are about 30-35 dollars. So if anyone wants them I can buy them and send them home.
Thanks for the poem. It really does help. I got a package from Lilli last Friday. The candy is already gone though. She sent me a little flash drive so I'm going to put all of the pictures that I have on it, then send it home but I have to do it next week because i forgot my camera.
Anyway I love you mom. Give my love to the family.

Hey Dad,

I'm great. I would say that I'm a 8.5. (this is in response to the question 'On a scale of 1-10 how do you feel about the mission?')Everything is fine. I'm getting used to the life style. Transfers are Tuesday and Me and Elder Redd are both staying here. I will probably be his last companion.
The elections are on Wednesday and its going to be crazy. We are still working but we are told to be very careful. These people who are voting for Jacob Zuma are very crazy, and they are drunk most of the time as well.
My first official baptisms are next Sunday.. A 20 year old kid named Mbuso and his mom. I'm so excited. Elder Redd is going to baptize them both but I'm giving a talk. They just know Elder Redd better than me, I think that's why. The weather here is fine, its really hot. Its supposed to be turning winter here but its still really hot.
Anyway try not think about how long Ive been gone Ill be home before you know it. I Love you and thanks for everything.

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